Sexual Activity
You can avoid any risk of HIV if you practice abstinence (not having sex). You also won’t get infected if your penis, mouth, vagina or rectum doesn’t touch anyone else’s penis, mouth, vagina, or rectum. Safe activities include kissing, erotic massage, masturbation or hand jobs (mutual masturbation). There are no documented cases of HIV transmission through wet clothing.
Having sex in a monogamous (faithful) relationship is safe if:
- Both of you are uninfected (HIV-negative)
- You both have sex only with your partner
- Neither one of you gets exposed to HIV through drug use or other activities
Oral sex has a lower risk of infection than anal or vaginal sex, especially if there are no open sores or blood in the mouth
You can reduce the risk of infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases by using barriers like condoms. Traditional condoms go on the penis, and a new type of condom goes in the vagina or in the rectum. For more information on condoms, see Fact Sheet 153.
Some chemicals called spermicides can prevent pregnancy but they don’t prevent HIV. They might even increase your risk of getting infected if they cause irritation or swelling.
Drug Use
If you’re high on drugs, you might forget to use protection during sex. If you use someone else’s equipment (needles, syringes, cookers, cotton or rinse water) you can get infected by tiny amounts of blood. The best way to avoid infection is to not use drugs.
If you use drugs, you can prevent infection by not injecting them. If you do inject, don’t share equipment. If you must share, clean equipment with bleach and water before every use
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