The New York Times: Russia has wallowed in narcotisms and a HIV | | |
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Russia became one of the worst places in the world in respect of struggle against HIV distribution, and uncontrollable consumption of intravenous drugs became epidemic principal cause. About it writes The New York Times, referring to opinion of experts of the international medical organisations, transfers InoPressa.blem in Russia. According to the United Nations program on struggle against AIDS UNAIDS, in Russia in 2009 it has been noticed almost 60 thousand new cases of infection by a virus causing AIDS that on 8 % more than in 2008. «From these cases over 60 % were, presumably, are caused by intravenous consumption of drugs, and many people have been infected by means of sexual communications with addicts», - the author of article Michael Shvirts writes. By estimations of officials, in Russia intravenously accept drugs over one million person, they quite often share needles, infecting each other. «What most infected groups? The addicts accepting drugs intravenously, and workers of the sex industry», - Lev Zohrabjan, representative UNAIDS across Europe and the Central Asia has told. - It turns out that there are groups where money for picture change should go. But if you open the budget will see that the next years is allocated nothing for preventive actions in these groups ». Earlier the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has expressed extreme concern in narcotism growth in the youth environment. About it «it is necessary to sound the alarm», the head of the state in interview to the Russian TV channels has declared. «It, unfortunately, is. 160 thousand our children have narcological problems. It is enormous figure. It is the official statistics, and it is necessary to speak about it aloud, not to hesitate. About it it is necessary to sound the alarm», - Medvedev has declared. According to experts of the United Nations that over the last 10 years the quantity of addicts in the Russian Federation has increased in 10 times, and now they consume from 75 to 80 tons of the Afghani heroin a year. It in 3,5 times more than cumulative consumption of heroin in the USA and Canada and almost twice more than in China which is the second-large commodity market of a drug |
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