Monday, May 30, 2011

Eventually something serious occurs, most obviously presented by unexplained weight loss. This is a visible indication of what has already been a prog

Eventually something serious occurs, most obviously presented by unexplained weight loss. This is a visible indication of what has already been a progression of body changes from HIV disease itself.

HIV-infected women are all at risk for poor nutrition status. Women who play "superwoman" and do not take care of their health may be at increased risk for compromised nutritional status. Unfortunately, unless there has been some significant weight loss, we may not know what's going on inside the body. It is not until this time that a woman thinks about her diet and food intake.
Art by Russell McGonagle

Unintentional weight loss is called wasting. In the context of HIV disease, it can be considered AIDS-related wasting. The cause of wasting can be complex and varied. Researchers believe that aside from the changes in food intake, absorption, and metabolism all playing a role in wasting, hormonal changes may also contribute to the difference in body wasting in women. Wasting in a woman appears different than in a man. Women tend to lose fat tissue, whereas men appear to lose lean tissue quicker. It is important not only to monitor weight and to measure what the body is made of, or your body composition (body fat, body cell mass), but we must preserve body cell mass, and preserve a certain amount of fat to live and function. Be sure to ask your registered dietitian to test and monitor your body composition. Although some women initially may be somewhat excited about some weight loss, it is not something to be taken lightly. Weight loss may indicate an infection or other problem, and can become life threatening.

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