Sunday, July 17, 2011

Preventing an HIV infection

Preventing an HIV infection

The best way to make sure you don't get the virus is to avoid those things that put you at risk of coming in contact with it. Here are some tips.

  • Sex: The only sure way to prevent HIV infection from sex is not to have any. The next best thing is to have sex only with a long-time (several years) partner who is not infected and who is not having sex with anyone else.

    In all other circumstances, you can reduce your risk of getting HIV by using a latex condom. When one of the partners is allergic to latex, two condoms can be used – one latex and one made of natural membrane. If the male is allergic to latex, he should put the natural condom on next to his skin an the latex condom on top of it. When the female is allergic to latex, the man should put the latex condom on first and cover it with one made of natural membrane. Using a natural membrane condom alone may not protect you, because the tiny HIV virus can pass through the pores in the natural membrane.

    If you use a lubricant with a latex condom, make sure it is a water-based product, because oil-based lubricants (such as petroleum jelly) weaken the latex and may cause the condom to break.

  • Needles: Obviously, injecting illegal drugs into your body is not a healthy thing to do, but sharing needles increases your risk of getting a disease. The best way to avoid becoming infected with any virus, including HIV, is just not to share needles or syringes. Many communities have needles exchange programs that trade new needles for old ones. If such a program is not available in your area, you can reduce your risk by rinsing your needles twice in water, then twice in bleach for at least 30 seconds, then twice in water again.

  • Childbirth: A woman who is infected with HIV can lessen the chances of passing it to her baby by taking a drug called zidovidune (AZT) during pregnancy, labour and delivery and by giving AZT to her baby for the first six weeks after its birth.

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