Sunday, October 2, 2011

reduced risk of HIV/AIDS specifically

So, individuals with casual or multiple partners, youth, and those with no children are more likely to cite the reduced risk of sexually transmitted diseases as reasons for practicing safer sex. Quebec residents are more likely to cite the reduced risk of HIV/AIDS specifically, while those between the ages of 25 and 44 and parents with children who are not yet in their teens are more likely to cite the reduced risk of pregnancy.

In terms of reasons for not practicing safer sex, those with casual partners are more likely to assume their partners did not have the disease or that they were not prepared for the encounter। Women and individuals aged 35 and over are more apt to have had only one partner, while people between 25 to 34 are more likely to be attempting to conceive a child.

In summary, sexual activity is linked to gender and age. Men and youth are more likely to be sexually active, more likely to have had several partners, and more likely to report a casual partner. As noted in Chapter Four, individuals reporting casual partners or multiple partners are more likely to perceive themselves to be at moderate or high risk of contracting HIV, compared with other Canadians.

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