Sunday, November 13, 2011

Existing partnerships

Existing partnerships
In many countries, there will be partnerships in
place between different organizations and ministries
that can be used as an entry point for addressing
HIV and AIDS. In Mozambique, for example, the
Ministry of Social Affairs was already collaborating
with the Ministry of Education on issues related to
early childhood. This existing relationship was used
to develop strategies for addressing the problems
of children orphaned by AIDS. In other countries,
there are strong links that can be built upon between
agriculture and industry and education because of
vocational education. In some cases, partnering with
the private sector may be a useful way to learn about
effective workplace policies. For example, in Thailand
the private sector response to HIV and AIDS has
been highly innovative (Thailand Business Coalition
on AIDS, Employers Confederation of Thailand and
International Labour Organization, 2003). Careful
analysis of this experience could provide interesting
pointers of possible interventions in the education
sector, particularly as concerns the protection of
Examples of possible partnerships that you can use
as entry points include:
Multisectoral ministerial working groups around
specifi c issues and themes, for example, around
orphans and other vulnerable children.
Working groups or thematic groups that fall under
the National AIDS programme or its equivalent and
bring together stakeholders from a variety of sectors.
Task teams or thematic groups coordinated by the
Ministry of Education.
Donor coordination groups for the education sector
specifi cally or for development aid in general.
Regional networks and meetings.
Civil society coordination or working groups.
PRSP Working Groups.
MDG Working Groups.
Working groups established in the context of the
FTI approval process.

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