This activity can be used to clarify the thinking of the group, to develop a climate where disagreement and
opposing views are accepted, and to identify possible priorities for action.
1 • Sound out the target population including people living with HIV/AIDS. What do they see as the main
priorities? Prepare around 6 statements , each describing a possible priority. For example:
“We should campaign for legalisation of needle exchange schemes for injecting drug users”
“We should set up home-visit plan to support those who are sick and isolated”
“We should work with local employers to stop discrimination based on presumed and actual HIV/AIDS status”
“We should create opportunities for young women to discuss sexual health issues more openly”
“We should campaign for economic reform, because the only real solution is to end poverty”
2• Work in pairs. Give the full list of statements to each pair, and ask them to rank them in order of priority.
Next ask pairs to form groups of four and compare their rankings. By this stage everyone will have had an
opportunity to develop and clarify their views.
3• Call everyone back together and ask the original pairs to report on the statements that they ranked in the
first and last places. Note these on a flip chart or blackboard.
4• Discuss the results. There may be some clear “firsts” and “lasts” which will help your decision-making.
There may also be statements that were ranked first by some and last by others, and it is useful to discuss
these, too. Finally, discuss the statements that were not ranked “first” or “last” by anyone.
Points to share with participants: There are no “right answers”. People’s priorities will vary
depending on their political, legal, social and economic position, experiences and values. During this activity
everyone will have heard many new points of view and information. If the group does not feel ready to make
a decision about priorities, it is a good idea to take some days or weeks to reflect and think over the issues
before coming together again.
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