Friday, November 4, 2011

What should I do if I think

9• What should I do if I think
I might already have HIV?
If you think you might have HIV, or if you have had unprotected
sex, you should ask your physician about getting an HIV
blood test and some counselling. If you prefer to check it
out yourself, many cities have testing centres where you can
get an HIV test and some good confidential counselling.
It is essential to know whether you have been infected.
If you are infected, early detection will permit you to get full
and proper medical care. With proper care, people with HIV
infection can live for many years. It is also essential to know
whether you are infected to avoid infecting others through
blood donation, unprotected sex or through needle sharing.
10• What if I test positive for HIV?
If you test positive for HIV, the sooner you take steps to
protect your health, the better. Prompt medical care may
delay the onset of AIDS. There are a number of important
steps you can take immediately to protect your health.
See a doctor, even if you do not feel sick. There are now
many drugs to treat HIV infection and help you maintain
your health. Cf. advocacy – a basic healthcare package
11 • What should I do if I know that
someone has HIV or AIDS?
People with HIV are part of society. They can continue their
lives, do their jobs as well as they could before they were
infected. They look and feel perfectly healthy for a long time.
People with HIV should be treated just like anyone else.
If you know that someone has HIV or AIDS, you should
respect that person’s privacy and do not tell no one
about his or her infection. We all need to learn to live with
HIV and AIDS. This involves understanding people with
HIV/AIDS and giving them love and support, not prejudice
and rejection.

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