Monday, January 2, 2012

The information regarding HIV has given below

The information regarding HIV has given below

Many experiments have been carried out regarding why the immune system is not able to destroy this virus. An HIV hide in immune system and it has the ability to be there for a long period of time. Another thing is that it replicates itself and gradually destroys the immune system. It damages T-cells or CD4 cells. As a result of this a person succumbs to AIDS.

The early symptoms of HIV There are some primary or early symptoms that can be found in a person after getting infected with HIV. They may take month or year to be appeared. Sometimes it might be possible that they may not emerge at all. The early symptoms are:

Common symptoms of HIV

These symptoms may take eight to ten years to be developed

  • Genital sores and Rash of flaky skin
  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent fevers and Night sweats
  • Excessive fatigue and Weight loss
  • Mental symptoms like confusion

How does HIV transmit?

HIV can be transmitted through blood and blood products. Moreover it also spread out through bodily fluids that contain blood cells.

Sexual intercourse with infected person/ unprotected sex

The unprotected sex involves vaginal or anal sex as well as oral sex with a man or woman without using condom.

Using needles or syringes Using needles or syringes that are used by an infected can be the reason of being infected with the disease.

Breast feeding

HIV can be transmitted through the breastfeeding if a mother is infected with HIV to her child.

How Does HIV damage the immune system?

The immune system comprises of CD4 cells. These cells are known as T4 or CD4 or helper T. The major function of these cells is to resist the infections and diseases. By doing so they keep the body healthy. HIV assaults on these cells and gradually damages them. It can assault on cells of brain, nervous system, digestive system, and other parts of the body. These cells destroy the invaders like, parasites, cancers, bacteria, fungi and viruses that are responsible for spreading infection in body. Eventually the virus overcomes with immune system and destroys it badly.

Information about HIV would help you to learn the details about the disease.

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