Adults and adolescents living with HIV should be screened for TB with a
clinical algorithm and those who do not report any one of the symptoms
of current cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats are unlikely to have
active TB and should be offered IPT.
Adults and adolescents living with HIV and screened with a clinical
algorithm for TB, and who report any one of the symptoms of current
cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats may have active TB and
should be evaluated for TB and other diseases.
Adults and adolescents living with HIV who have an unknown or
positive TST status and are unlikely to have active TB should receive
at least six months of IPT as part of a comprehensive package of HIV
care. IPT should be given to such individuals irrespective of the degree
of immunosuppression, and also to those on ART, those who have
previously been treated for TB and pregnant women.
Adults and adolescents living with HIV who have an unknown or positive
TST status and who are unlikely to have active TB should receive at least
36 months of IPT.2 IPT should be given to such individuals irrespective of
the degree of immunosuppression, and also to those on ART, those who
have previously been treated for TB and pregnant women.
TST is not a requirement for initiating IPT in people living with HIV.
People living with HIV who have a positive TST benefit more from IPT;
TST can be used where feasible to identify such individuals.
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