Needle and Syringe exchange programmes
After making some contact and building a relationship, giving information is not enough. IDUs
need concrete services that can help them reduce their risk behaviours. It is not realistic to
assume that if they know about the risks of needle sharing, they will immediately go and get
themselves their own clean syringes. One of the factors associated with the sharing of injection
equipment is the low availability of sterile needles and syringes. Often they do not have money
or other means to get sterile equipment and would not go to great lengths to get it. Advice will
often be ineffective unless it is supported by the availability of sterile equipment. In light of
this, the development of needle and syringe exchange programmes is particularly appropriate for
this target group.
The purpose of the Needle Exchange Programmes is:
To distribute sterile injecting equipment to IDUs; and remove used and potentially
contaminated injecting equipment from circulation, thereby removing the possibility of
further use. This aims to reduce HIV transmission through reducing sharing of equipment.
To distribute other equipment used in injecting (such as cookers/spoons, alcohol swabs,
cotton, sterile water), and other materials such as condoms.
To provide a point of contact with IDUs for dissemination of IEC materials about safer
injecting and about prevention of sexual transmission.
To potentially become a contact and referral point for counselling, primary health care,
welfare and other services, and drug treatment service.
Equipment offered at the needle exchange sites can include:
Needles and syringes in varying barrel sizes and needle gauges according to needs of client
Sterile water
Alcohol swabs
Disposal containers (puncture resistant, sealable)
Risk reduction educational brochures (unsafe sex, unsafe drug use)
Programmes can focus on distribution of needles and syringes or alternatively on exchange. In
exchange, new needles are given in exchange for used ones—thus ensuring safe disposal of used
equipment. In some cases, clients of the programme can collect sterile equipment not only for
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