Monday, June 11, 2012

Summary of declarations of interest

Summary of declarations of interest
All members of the Guidelines Group were asked to complete a World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of interest
form and only two declared a conflict of interest. These were discussed within the WHO steering group and then with the
Guidelines Group before the deliberations. Alison Grant declared receiving financial support of GB£ 200 from Roche to
attend the International AIDS Conference, Sydney, 2007 when the aeroplane she was flying in broke down and the GB£
200 was paid for a flight deviation. Helen Ayles declared receiving financial support amounting to US$ 15 000 from the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, US$ 50 000 from Senter Novum and €150 000 from Delft Imaging Systems to conduct
research on intensified TB case-finding and isoniazid preventive therapy for TB, and the development of computer-aided
diagnostics for TB/HIV. The Guidelines Group discussed these and concluded that there was no conflict of interest.
Declarations of interest were collected from all non-WHO peer reviewers. No peer reviewer declared a conflict of interest.
All declarations of interest are on electronic file with the Department of HIV/AIDS of WHO.
The development of these guidelines was financially supported by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Unified Budget and Workplan (UNAIDS UBW) and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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