At the Second International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, the participants considered strategies for dissemination and implementation of the Guidelines. It was considered that there are three groups of key actors who, jointly and separately, are critical to the implementation of the Guidelines, namely States, the United Nations system, regional intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental and community-based organizations. Recommendations for measures that these actors are encouraged to take in order to ensure that the Guidelines are widely disseminated and effectively implemented are set out belowStates, at the highest level of Government (Head of State, Prime Minister and/or relevant ministers), should promulgate the Guidelines and ensure that the political weight of the Government is behind the dissemination and implementation of the Guidelines throughout all branches of the executive, legislature and judiciaryStates, at the highest level of Government, should assign appropriate governmental bodies/staff the responsibility to devise and implement a strategy for dissemination and implementation of the Guidelines and establish periodic monitoring of this strategy through, for example, reports to theStates should disseminate the Guidelines, endorsed by the executive, to relevant national bodies, such as interministerial and parliamentary committees on HIV and national AIDS programmes, as well as to provincial and local-level bodies.States, through these bodies, should give formal consideration to the Guidelines in order to identify ways to build them into existing activities and prioritize necessary new activities and policy review. States should also organize consensus workshops with the participation of non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations and AIDS service organizations (ASOs), networks of people living with HIV, networks on ethics, law, human rights and HIV, United Nations Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS, as well as political and religious groups:
(a) To discuss the relevance of the Guidelines to the local situation, to identify obstacles and needs, to propose interventions and solutions, and to achieve consensus for the adoption of the Guidelines;
(b) To elaborate national, provincial and local plans of action for implementation and monitoring of the Guidelines within the local context;
(c) To mobilize and ensure the commitment of relevant governmental officials to apply the Guidelines as a working tool to be integrated into their individual workplans।States, in ways consistent with judicial independence, should disseminate the Guidelines widely throughout the judicial system and use them in the development of jurisprudence, conduct of court cases involving HIV-related matters and HIV-related training/continuing education of judicial officers.States, in ways consistent with judicial independence, should disseminate the Guidelines widely throughout the judicial system and use them in the development of jurisprudence, conduct of court cases involving HIV-related matters and HIV-related training/continuing education of judicial officers.The United Nations Secretary-General should submit the Guidelines to the Commission on Human Rights as part of the report on the Second International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights.
The Secretary-General should transmit the Guidelines to the heads of all relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, requesting that they be widely disseminated throughout the relevant programmes and activities of the bodies and agencies। The Secretary-General should request that all relevant United Nations bodies and agencies consider their activities and programmes on HIV in the light of the provisions of the Guidelines and support the implementation of the Guidelines at national level.
The Commission on Human Rights should appoint a special rapporteur on human rights and HIV with the mandate,inter alia, to encourage and monitor implementation of the Guidelines by States, as well as their promotion by the United Nations system, including human rights bodies, where applicable।
UNAIDS should transmit the Guidelines throughout the system – to co-sponsors of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, United Nations Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS staff, including country programme advisers and focal points – and should ensure that the Guidelines become a framework for action for the work of the United Nations Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS and UNAIDS staff; Theme Groups should use the Guidelines to assess the HIV-related human rights, legal and ethical situation at country level and to elaborate the best means for supporting implementation of the Guidelines at that level.
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