Saturday, September 1, 2012

Epidemiology of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections

Epidemiology of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
Analysis of the figures on HIV infection in some countries highlights the disproportionately high burden of HIV
infections faced by MSM and transgender people. The data on HIV and STI prevalence presented during the
Consultation are shown in Appendix 5.
3.2.1 Latin America
The HIV epidemic across most of Latin America is recognized as mainly affecting MSM and transgender people.
The 2007 Report of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)3 estimated that half of all HIV infections in the
Region were assumed to have resulted from unprotected anal intercourse between men. Across the Region, the
ratio of male:female HIV infection remains at 2–3:1.
The rate of other STIs among MSM and transgender people was also found to be high in studies across Latin
America. For example, a review of seven studies across the Region found a prevalence of syphilis ranging from 5%
to 29% among MSM populations in a number of countries.4,5,6,7,8,9,10
3.2.2 Sub-Saharan Africa
Data on HIV prevalence among MSM and transgender populations in sub-Saharan Africa have been limited till
recently, with few studies of a cross-sectional nature, and even fewer that provide population estimates of
denominator size. In the recent past, however, several studies have been conducted in a range of settings across
Africa (see Appendix 5).
Cross-sectional surveys of HIV prevalence indicate that it is higher in MSM populations than in the general
population of men and women in some settings. Interpretation of survey results, however, is limited by a lack of
more detailed information on sexual behaviours, sexual networks, the role of transactional sex, and so on.
3.2.3 East and South-East Asia
Research studies and epidemiological surveys have been undertaken in a large number of settings in East and
South-East Asia in the recent past. From a situation of no information on HIV prevalence among MSM in the Region

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