Friday, October 12, 2012

factors can only partially explain vulnerability to HIV infection

There has long been recognition that individual risk factors can only partially explain vulnerability to HIV infection, and that a broader range of socioeconomic, cultural and political factors must be taken into account. More recently this understanding has been applied to addressing obstacles to accessing HIV treatment. Yet, while structural interventions aimed at contextual factors related to HIV prevention and treatment have been shown to be effective, they have not been widely implemented. Using the situation of Zimbabwe as an example, Amon et al present an illustration of how contextual barriers can be understood in human rights terms, and how using a human rights analysis can specifically help define 'structural-rights' interventions and compel their implementation.

In linking human rights obligations and structural-rights interventions, this paper considers four categories of global human rights concerns: the right to earn a livelihood and own property; the right to freedom of expression, assembly, and information; the right to freedom from gender-based and sexual violence; and the right to the progressive realisation of health. Using the situation of Zimbabwe as an illustration, the paper presents a list of structural-rights interventions linked to goals addressing each of these human rights concerns. This analytic framework explicitly links interventions to redress societal inequities, reduce vulnerability to HIV, and expand access to treatment with state obligations under national and international law. It reinforces the role of governments to address structural barriers and human rights abuses as part of their broader mission of public health.

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