Saturday, October 13, 2012

scale-up of HIV care and treatment

"Talkin' about a revolution": How electronic health records can facilitate the catalyze primary care in resource-constrained settings.

Health care for patients with HIV infection in developing countries has increased substantially in response to major international funding. Scaling up treatment programs requires timely data on the type, quantity, and quality of care being provided. Increasingly, such programs are turning to electronic health records to provide these data. The authors describe how a medical school in the United States and another in Kenya collaborated to develop and implement an electronic health records system in a large HIV care program in western Kenya. These data were used to manage patients, providers, and the program itself as it grew to encompass 18 sites serving more than 90,000 patients. Lessons learned have been applicable beyond HIV to include primary care, chronic disease management, and community-based health screening and disease prevention programs. Electronic health records will be key to providing the highest possible quality of care for the funds developing countries can commit to health care. Public, private, and academic partnerships can facilitate the development and implementation of electronic health records in resource-constrained settings.

Quality health care depends, among other things, on collecting, analysing, and using timely health information. Well managed health information management systems can help programme managers plan deployment of personnel, avoid drug stockouts, and maximise resource use. But, first and foremost, meeting clinicians’ requirements for complete and accurate data is key to ensuring high-quality care for patients. Electronic medical records using unique identifiers while protecting patient confidentiality and data security help coordinate care across multiple venues and specialities. Patients can be notified quickly of drug recalls or eligibility for novel treatments and can use their laminated personal card to access care throughout the health system. Investment in electronic health records for patients in antiretroviral treatment programmes is reaping benefits in low- and middle-income countries that are expanding data capture and management to support the scale up of efficient, effective clinical services for other conditions. We really are “talkin’ about a revolution”!

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