Welcome to the 68th issue of HIV This Week ! In this issue, we cover herpes simplex virus-2 (male circumcision helpful yet again; i nsights on the complex relationship of bed partners HSV-2 and HIV), national responses (the fallout of fragile treatment delivery in Serbia and Montenegro ; sustaining the Cambodian 100% condom use programme in the face of high sex worker turnover; prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in the Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa: Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, and São Tomé and Principe), tuberculosis (exciting developments as guinea pigs demonstrate that u pper-room ultraviolet light prevents tuberculosis transmission; everything we know about extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis), people living with HIVtreatment adherence ( adolescents in 9 countries need adherence support; is it treatment access or adherence that transportation costs affect in Uganda?; stock outs and non-adherence to subsidized treatment in southeast Nigeria), prevention of mother-to-child transmission (a role for r apid testing during labour and delivery?; early knowledge of babies’ HIV status in Soweto but need to improve infant feeding advice and family planning counselling), injecting drug use (high time for harm reduction in Hyderabad and Sukkur, Pakistan), prognosis (symptoms while “asymptomatic”; how weight gain at 3 months after starting antiretroviral therapy in Kenya and Cambodia predicts survival), reproductive health (fertility choices and i nfertility treatment for women living with HIV), basic science (elite controllers reveal a b road diversity of neutralizing antibodies isolated from memory B cells; premature aging of T cells and faster disease progression), and positive prevention (a review of published research in this 10 year old field; how to use formative research to design programmes for prisoners with HIV who are transitioning to the community). (a trial of long-term testosterone administration in HIV-infected women shows marked benefits; required reading: what you need to know to travel safely ),
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