Where did AIDS come from
Little more than 40 years in the country of Congo one person got infected by this disease. After many years, this person is thoroughly examined at the hospital and with the help of blood analysis of infected persons it has been confirmed that this was the first case of HIV ever. It was determined at that point that this syndrome is associated with the people's blood.It was first officially announced in 1982 that this condition is recognized as a new disease anywhere in the world. Only 10 years after that, AIDS has appeared in more than 35 countries and is expanding rapidly. People in the States got into studying this infection in order to isolate facts and details in order to find a cure for it.
At that time people have realized the fact that this illness can be prevented if they use a condom, which is now the only protection from this very dangerous disease that is spreading more and more. In 1987 it was noticed that a large number of infected people got HIV infection by using other people's needles when doing drugs. That same year December the first was declared to be symbol of fight against this difficult and very dangerous disease, that has no mercy for anyone today.
In Africa, many are infected by HIV, not knowing where this disease was created and without any knowledge spread this illness further, when all over the world today estimated number is more than 30 million people!
Since the first familiar appearance of this illness more than 20 million people lost their lives and the worst statistics for any disease, for which currently there is no drug to successfully cure Aids. Those should be enough reasons why people should should take care, be cautious in order to stay healthy.
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