Tamar, age 16, promotes HIV prevention with her fellow high school students in the Republic of Georgia through a Save the Children sponsored after school program. |
STI/HIV Prevention Program: Save the Children works in the Republic of Georgia to reduce the rate of infection among high-risk individuals. Within the framework of the STI/HIV Prevention (SHIP) program, Save the Children has carried out wide-scale interventions to increase awareness of STI/HIV and decrease high risk behavior among target populations, including female sex workers, injecting drug users, and men having sex with men. In order to enhance coverage of these target groups, Save the Children works on both the community and national level, leading efforts to strengthen peer education interventions, expand outreach services, and develop information, educational, and communication materials.
Abkhazia STI/HIV Prevention Program: With funding from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Save the Children works to prevent the spread of HIV in the breakaway region of Abkhazia by establishing voluntary counseling and testing centers, providing training of trainers for healthcare providers, promoting condom use and supply, implementing behavior change and communication strategy, and supporting public awareness campaigns in Haiti.
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