Needle stick injury
Some factors may increase the risk of infection with a needle stick injury, or a deep injury, with a hollow bore needle, when it is contaminated with blood.
After a percutaneous injury bleeding should be increased by pressing around the parameter of the injury (but do not to press on the injury site) and should be done under running water.
With mucocutaneous injury where contact occurs with broken skin or mucous membranes it is suggested to wash the area well with soap and water and if the eyes are involved to wash and irrigate the eyes well.
Some simple guidelines
There are some simple and basic guidelines that health care professionals can follow to help prevent the spread of infections, such as:
- In all circumstances wear gloves, goggles and mouth guard when handling blood and other body fluids.
- Assume that all patients are potentially infectious.
- Always wash your hands very well after any contact with blood or body fluids, never mind the amount of blood or body fluid.
- Handle needles and any "sharps" with care.
- Cover any cuts, open wounds or other abrasions (no matter how small) with a waterproof plaster.
- If blood spills occur, mop it up with paper towels, while wearing gloves and wash the areas with a strong detergent or a solution made from sodium dichloroisocyanurate or alternatively use a 1% solution of sodium hypochlorite or should any of these not be available use diluted household bleach.
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