Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is HIV?

What is HIV?

It is important that one understands each condition specifically, before I explain the difference between HIV and AIDS. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This is a specific group of virus that is transmitted from an infected human to a healthy individual. This virus cannot be transferred by insect bites such as mosquito bites or bed bug bites. Once a person is infected with the HIV virus, it weakens the immune system of the body. It attacks the CD4 lymphocytes or T cells of immune system. You can understand the path of infection in how HIV infects the T-Helped cells. This causes considerable damage to the strength of the body's immunity levels. As the immune system becomes weak, it becomes very easy for other infection causing organisms as well as cancers to attack the body. If a person gets infected with the virus, it will remain in his system forever. There is no medication, no cure for HIV virus till date. However, there are treatments that help control the progress of the disease and keep the infection limited to HIV.

HIV virus is the culprit behind AIDS infection. The AIDS infection was first identified in 1981 in United States. By 1984, it was proved that HIV virus is the causative agent of AIDS infection. HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through the following ways:
  • Unprotected sex with an infected partner
  • Use of unsterilized needles for injecting drugs or sharing drug works with an infected person
  • Blood transfusion
  • From an infected mother to her baby before or during child birth and feeding breast milk

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