Saturday, November 5, 2011

A group of adolescent peer educators

A group of adolescent peer educators
trained by and working with FEIM
(Fundación para el Estudio e
Investigación de la Mujer) have started
a national network of adolescent peer
educators to work and train together,
to promote human rights, especially
sexual and reproductive rights, and to
develop citizenship skills in adolescents
so that they can participate more fully
in democratic processes.
"According to our research, Argentine
adolescents talk about sexual and
reproductive matters principally with
their peers, to a lesser degree with their
parents (mostly with the mother),
and very rarely with their teachers".
"In our country adolescents have no
access to information about sexuality,
since there is no sex education in
schools. Sexuality is still a taboo in many
developing countries and many cultural
and religious barriers still remain."
"One of the challenges of the network
is to advocate for sex education in
schools, because this could help
decrease the risk of sexually-transmitted
diseases, delay the onset of sexual
activity, and avoid unwanted adolescent

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