Young people may find it difficult to obtain clear and scientifically correct information about HIV/AIDS, sexual behaviour, or other topics
that may be sensitive in their society. Where information is available, it may be given in a manner that is authoritarian , judgmental, or
non-adapted to the young people’s values, viewpoints and lifestyle. This situation threatens young people’s right to information.
One effective way to break these communication barriers is peer education. Peer Education is a dialogue between equals. It involves members of
a particular group educating others of the same group. For example, young people share information with each other, some acting as facilitators
of the discussions. It usually takes the form of an informal gathering of people who, with the help of the peer educator, (someone of a similar age
or social group), discuss and learn about a particular topic together. Peer education works well because it is participatory, meaning that it
involves people in discussion and activities. People learn more by doing than by just getting information. Peer education is therefore a
very appropriate way to communicate human rights in the context of HIV/AIDS and to empower young people to take action. Examples of
participatory activities used in peer education are games, art competitions and role plays. All of these can help people to see things from a new
perspective without "being told" what to think or do.
Selma, a medical student from Bosnia attending university in Norway, is an
experienced peer educator. Here she tells us about her experience:
Question - In what way is peer education useful for your work on
Peer education works very well for students and young people. Sharing a
conversation with people of the same age or social group you can be more
relaxed, and, for example, you can ask questions that would be difficult to ask
to an adult.
Q - What is the role of the peer educator?
The main role of the peer educator is to help participants to feel comfortable and
able to take part in a dialogue, even if the topic is difficult. The peer educator is also
there to share information, and to increase the knowledge of the participants on the
basis of their own questions and concerns.
Q - What knowledge and skills do you need to be a peer educator?
It is important to have had some training as a group facilitator or peer educator.
You also need a general knowledge of the subject, to answer questions clearly, but
it is not necessary to be an expert ; it is better to refer people to organizations or
leaflets where more information can be found.
Q - How do you organise a peer education programme?
In our organization, we decided to work in co-operation with secondary
schools and youth clubs. We normally organize the activity together with the
teacher or youth leader. We try to find out as much as possible about the
group: their concerns, risk behaviours, experiences, existing knowledge. We
decide in advance whether it is better to have boys and girls together or to
work in separate gender groups. The teacher or youth leader does not
attend the session.
Q - How do you get a session started?
Sometimes we start with a game, which is great to get people laughing and
relaxed .To start the discussion about sexual behaviour, we draw a picture of the
male and female reproductive organs and ask people to name them. We ask
them to give not only the names used in Biology books but also any slang names
used by young people. This gets everyone laughing and helps them to relax too!
Q - What do you do if people are finding it difficult to take part in
the dialogue?
It is better to let people define their own concerns, ask their own questions.
However, if the group needs a little help getting the conversation started, it can
be useful to divide people into smaller groups and to give them specific questions
to talk about. For example: What do you think about using condoms in sexual
intercourse ? What are the reasons for and against visiting a friend who has HIVAIDS
Q - What special tips would you give to other peer educators?
Peer educators need the skills to bring out the views and concerns of the
participants. It is important to realise that our role is to give information and let
young people make their own decisions based on facts. We should always try not
to be directive, we are their peers, not their parents! Make sure participants know
that there will be no report of the session made for anyone. Ask them to try not to
discuss the opinions of particular individuals outside of the group, but also tell
them that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, so the discussion should be
about general and not personal situations. If possible, give out information about
where individuals who want to discuss a personal situation can get confidential
advice. At the end do not forget to ask them kindly, to fill out the evaluation forms
you prepared for them. It makes work much easier next time! Good luck!
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