Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Children affected by AIDS are those children under 18

Children affected by AIDS are those children under 18
with additional vulnerabilities and disadvantages due
to HIV and AIDS, including:
Having parents who are HIV infected of suffering
from AIDS.
Leading or living in child-headed households.
Living in families that are caring for orphans or
other additional family members due to AIDS.
Living in communities severely devastated by HIV
and AIDS.
Being orphaned due to AIDS (maternal, paternal or
Living with HIV since birth.
Having been newly infected with HIV.
Being especially vulnerable and at risk of HIV infection
due to lack of economic or gendered power in
the face of the epidemic.S t r a t e g i e s b y
H I V p r e va l e n c e l e v e l
This diagram illustrates the importance
of carefully considering what stage the
epidemic is in and of ensuring that the
necessary actions to protect and support
CABA are in place. In low prevalence
settings comprehensive and
accurate information is essential, in
higher prevalence settings it becomes
critical to ensure that additional measures,
including access to services, are
in place.
K e y i s s u e s a n d r e s p o n s e s
The link between the disadvantages and vulnerabilities of CABA and the implications for education are
complex. The table below provides a summary of the issues that put children at a disadvantage, of the impact
in terms of rights to education, and of possible education responses.

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