Family Health International (FHI) is the largest and
most established non-profi t organization active in
international public health. FHI manages research
and fi eld activities in more than 70 countries, helping
countries and communities to prevent the spread of
HIV and AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and
to care for those affected by them, improving people's
access to quality reproductive health services,
improving the health of women and children.
The International Planned Parenthood Association
(IPPF) is probably the strongest global voice seeking
to safeguard sexual and reproductive health and
rights. IPPF consists of a worldwide movement of
national organizations. Its priorities include working on
reducing unsafe abortions, promoting access to good
quality SRH services in particular for young people,
on advocacy in general, and on reducing barriers that
make people vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. IPPF has
regional offi ces in Brussels, Kuala Lumpur, Nairobi,
New York, New Dehli and Tunis. The IPPF website
contains a wealth of documentation including guides
and toolkits, reports, reviews, research and press
Johns Hopkins Resources for
HIV/AIDS and SRH Integration:
This site provides a comprehensive overview of
resources for integrating prevention and treatment
of HIV and AIDS with SRH services. In addition to
key information on behaviour change communication
strategies, it also documents programmatic experience
in areas such as cost effectiveness and funding of
HIV/SRH integration, HIV/SRH and adolescents, HIV/
SRH and orphans and vulnerable children, as well
as work on addressing issues of stigmatisation and
The World Population Foundation (WPF) aims to
encourage sexual and reproductive health and rights
throughout the world. WPF supports projects by local
organizations in developing countries enabling individuals
to make their own decisions about their sexuality and
the number of children they desire. WPF has extensive
experience in materials development and training to
overcome barriers of addressing issues of sexuality and
SRHR. The website provides a comprehensive overview
of projects, research, advocacy and other initiatives
aimed at reaching this goal.
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