Saturday, August 4, 2012

HIV and AIDS into education

This toolkit aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies, including both developmentand
humanitarian-oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
and other civil society organizations, to support the process of mainstreaming This toolkit aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies, including both developmentand
humanitarian-oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
and other civil society organizations, to support the process of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education
sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have
made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and opportunities; and to establish
priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and
discussion, depending on the local needs and context.
The toolkit was developed for the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education, expanding on materials
used in a 2005 Seminar in Lusaka, Zambia hosted by the Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA). Formed in 2002, the IATT on Education is convened by UNESCO and brings together UNAIDS
Cosponsors, bilateral agencies and civil society organizations with the purpose of accelerating and improving a
coordinated and harmonised education sector response to HIV and AIDS. Its specifi c objectives are to promote
and support good practices in the education sector in relation to HIV and AIDS and to encourage alignment
and harmonisation within and across agencies to support global and country-level actions. The IATT seeks to
achieve these objectives by: strengthening the evidence base and disseminating fi ndings to inform decisionmaking
and strategy development, encouraging information and materials exchange, and working jointly to
bridge the education and AIDS communities and ensure a stronger education response to HIV and AIDS.
sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have
made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and opportunities; and to establish
priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and
discussion, depending on the local needs and context.
The toolkit was developed for the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education, expanding on materials
used in a 2005 Seminar in Lusaka, Zambia hosted by the Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA). Formed in 2002, the IATT on Education is convened by UNESCO and brings together UNAIDS
Cosponsors, bilateral agencies and civil society organizations with the purpose of accelerating and improving a
coordinated and harmonised education sector response to HIV and AIDS. Its specifi c objectives are to promote
and support good practices in the education sector in relation to HIV and AIDS and to encourage alignment
and harmonisation within and across agencies to support global and country-level actions. The IATT seeks to
achieve these objectives by: strengthening the evidence base and disseminating fi ndings to inform decisionmaking
and strategy development, encouraging information and materials exchange, and working jointly to
bridge the education and AIDS communities and ensure a stronger education response to HIV and AIDS.

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