Thursday, August 9, 2012

HIV/AIDS is one of a number of killer diseases

HIV/AIDS is one of a number of killer diseases, such as, malaria, tuberculosis, cancer and heart
disease. What is different about HIV/AIDS is that it impacts not only the physical health of individuals,
but also their social identity and condition. The stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS can
be as destructive as the disease itself.
Lack of recognition of human rights not only causes unnecessary personal suffering and loss of dignity for
people living with HIV or AIDS but it also contributes directly to the spread of the epidemic since it hinders
the response… For example, when human rights are not respected, people are less likely to seek
counselling, testing, treatment and support because it means facing discrimination, lack of confidentiality
or other negative consequences. It also appears that the spread of HIV/AIDS is disproportionately high
among groups that already suffer from a lack of human rights protection, and from social and economic
discrimination, or that are marginalised by their legal status.
…when human rights are denied:
…There is inadequate information
" Nobody ever explained to me about the risks. Girls are not supposed to
ask about sexual matters. I had heard that the first time one cannot get
pregnant or catch AIDS. Now it is too late for me."
Rushdeen, age 16, HIV-positive
…There is a lack of accessible and affordable medicines to protect the right to life and the right to health
“My son is HIV-positive. We know that there are drugs that could keep
the disease away for perhaps a long time, but they are so expensive, we
cannot afford them. We are angry that, because we are poor, our son
may not be able to live for a long time”
Pablo, father of Eduardo, age 21
…There is discrimination and denial of the right to employment
"When my boss found out I was HIV positive, he asked me to leave. I explained
the doctor had said there was no risk to other workers, but my boss said he did
not want any trouble”
Sui, age 24, HIV-positive
…There is lack of privacy, confidentiality and loss of dignity
"One young woman went to hospital to have a baby and the doctors gave
her a blood test and discovered she was HIV-positive. They told her
husband, but they did not tell her. He rejected her and refused to let her see
the children"

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