Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS

gQ u e s t i o n s f o r exp l o r a t i o n
Which education-specifi c examples of HIV and AIDS mainstreaming can you think to add
to the above sector-specifi c examples?
Internal and external mainstreaming will require action at various levels – from the national
level down to provincial, district, school and community levels. Take one of the examples
of internal or external mainstreaming and analyse the key issues that need to be addressed
at different levels to ensure that this element is adequately covered.
Review the list of common barriers to mainstreaming. In your experience, what are the
three most common barriers to mainstreaming in the education sector?
Are there specifi c barriers to mainstreaming HIV and AIDS within your agency?
In what ways, if any, do the barriers you identifi ed for the education sector differ from those
that exist within your agency? Why do you think these barriers are different?
A d d i t i o n a l r e s o u r c e s
UNAIDS, World Bank and UNDP. 2005a. Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in Sectors and
Programs – An Implementation Guide for National Responses.
This guide brings together experience from a variety of sectors and contains practical tips
on how to mainstream HIV and AIDS. It has a set of useful annexes, among others on:
a) Developing a shared goal and commitment;
b) Preparing an HIV and AIDS profi le;
c) Conducting an impact assessment; and
d) Formulating an activity plan for mainstreaming.
UNAIDS, World Bank and UNDP. 2005b. Mainstreaming AIDS in Development
Instruments and Processes at the National Level – a Review of Experiences.
This document summarises what has been learnt about mainstreaming (not sector
specifi c) at the country level. It is a useful resource for those who want to learn from the
lessons of others.
UNESCO. 2008b. EDUCAIDS Framework for Action. 2nd Edition.
EDUCAIDS, the UNAIDS Global Initiative for Education and HIV & AIDS, emphasises the
need for a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS in education sector. The document
outlines key components of a comprehensive response and can be used as a basis for
comparison with an existing situation in-country to identify gaps and challenges in the
current response.

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