Saturday, August 4, 2012

the agenda forward on HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in education.

K e y g u i d i n g
p r i n c i p l e s
The following key principles guide the work of the IATT
member agencies as they move the agenda forward
on HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in education.
Mainstreaming HIV prevention and HIV & AIDS impact
mitigation activities within education sector plans
should be a priority in all countries. Mainstreaming
ensures that addressing HIV and AIDS is not an addon
or separate activity but rather an integral part of
education sector policies, strategies and actions.
Education sector stakeholders, in collaboration with
other key stakeholders such as the health sector and
the national AIDS programme, should take the lead
on all HIV and AIDS activities in the education sector,
including projects and programmes implemented by
external partners.
Country context
Any response to HIV and AIDS needs to take the
character and state of the epidemic into account.8
The epidemic is a moving target; social, economic,
cultural and political factors determine the speed at
which it spreads and its impact. New areas of attention
emerge and require constant adaptation of strategies
and interventions. The IATT on Education believes
that these contextual factors must guide the strategic
response to the AIDS epidemic in each country, so
as to address differences between regions and
districts, between rural and urban areas, and between
population groups (such as those that are vulnerable
or displaced).
Alignment and harmonisation
The IATT on Education strongly emphasises that
country and education plans, as well as strategies
for responding to HIV and AIDS and for eradicating
poverty, must constitute the basis for all HIV and AIDS
interventions in education. IATT member agencies all
support and promote the universally accepted ‘Three
Ones’ principle – one agreed HIV and AIDS framework;
one national AIDS coordinating authority; and one
country-level monitoring and evaluation system.9
Harmonisation with other development cooperation
partners to implement common arrangements, simplify
procedures and reduce transaction costs is thus an
important priority. The IATT on Education believes it is
critical that all support is aligned with national sector
plans and that fi nancial support is provided as part of
harmonised funding mechanisms.

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