Wednesday, August 8, 2012

the region that have experience with HIV and AIDS mainstreaming

An excellent way to further the mainstreaming agenda is to build bridges with other countries and communities
in the region that have experience with HIV and AIDS mainstreaming. The EduSector Response Trust
(ESART) and the Accelerate Initiative of the UNAIDS IATT on Education both have experience in promoting
this kind of learning (see also Tool 10). This can be done in various ways:
• Inviting offi cials from the more experienced country to present their experience and share lessons
learned with offi cials from other countries or contexts.
• Including more experienced neighbours on key missions, in key discussions, or in exploratory studies/
• Supporting the development of case studies and other syntheses of ‘best practices’.
gQ u e s t i o n s f o r exp l o r a t i o n
Consider the two case studies presented in this tool. Which priority sectors do you think
should be involved in the HIV and AIDS response in each of these two cases and why?
If you were to conduct a review of coordination mechanisms in the country where you
work which stakeholders/organizations would be reviewed and how would you go about
sharing and discussing the results of the review?O v e r v i e w o f
k e y r e s o u r c e s
The resources below are grouped into general
categories covering HIV and AIDS in general, HIV and
AIDS in Education, Gender and HIV, and SRHR. This
list is not exhaustive but provides you with a selection
of resources that education practitioners in the fi eld
have found particularly helpful in working on HIV and
AIDS mainstreaming issues. Please also consult the
‘Additional resources’ section at the end of each of
the tools in this toolkit for more detailed suggestions
around each of the key topics covered. In addition,
you may also want to consult the list of references for
suggestions on documentation.
HIV and AIDS in general
ActionAid International:
ActionAid International has been working on HIV and
AIDS since 1987. This website provides an overview of
innovative initiatives, resources and projects in a large
number of countries. A key resource developed by
ActionAid is the Stepping Stones training pack, which
is a training package on gender, HIV, communication
and relationship skills and which can be found at:
AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGiS) is
the largest free-access virtual AIDS library with over
one million articles on HIV and AIDS information from
1981 onwards. It provides a powerful overview of the
progression of the epidemic as well as access to key
AVERT is an international HIV and AIDS charity based
in the United Kingdom, working to avert HIV and AIDS
worldwide. AVERT funds overseas projects that deal
with the problem of HIV and AIDS in countries where
there is a particularly high rate of infection, such as
South Africa, or where there is a rapidly increasing rate
of infection such as in India. The website documents
many of these experiences.

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