Thursday, August 9, 2012

This kit presents ideas for youth action on human rights and HIV/AIDS.

This kit presents ideas for youth action on human rights and HIV/AIDS. It has been prepared in close consultation
with young people from various youth organizations, in particular with students from the International Federation of
Medical Students’ Association and from the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation.
Each community is different, and therefore not all suggestions will be suitable for every country or situation.
We hope however that young people will find a starting point here for their own actions. No single agency or group
can do everything, but we can all contribute in some way !
(See Brochure 1 : Basics to Get Started)
Public Education and Peer Education
To reject myths and misconceptions, and fight unnecessary HIV/AIDS related discrimination.
To empower young people, to promote their rights and to inform them about how HIV can and cannot be
transmitted, and how they can protect themselves.
To discuss more openly sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as injecting drug use.
To draw the attention of people in general and those in positions of authority in particular to accept the reality of
HIV in our communities, and to recognise the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS.
(See brochure 2 : Education and Communication)
To challenge and change laws, attitudes and practices that are contrary to human rights and to effective action
against HIV/AIDS.
To campaign for better services for people living with HIV/AIDS, including access to medicine, counselling and
other support(s) needed to defend the right to life and to health care.
To support court action or other initiatives by people living with HIV/AIDS to demand their rights.
To involve more and more people living with HIV/AIDS in campaigns and education activities.
(See brochure 3 : Advocacy)
Care and Support
To support and encourage people living with HIV/AIDS to participate in life in the community and to comfort those
who are sick and may die through counselling, home visiting or other programmes.
To inform people living with HIV/AIDS about their rights and about treatments.
To give services and support to people who may be at risk, including women, children and young people, men who
have sex with men, injecting drug users and commercial sex workers.
To create spaces where people living with HIV/AIDS can meet, share concerns and information, and take joint action.This kit presents ideas for youth action on human rights and HIV/AIDS. It has been prepared in close consultation
with young people from various youth organizations, in particular with students from the International Federation of
Medical Students’ Association and from the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation.
Each community is different, and therefore not all suggestions will be suitable for every country or situation.
We hope however that young people will find a starting point here for their own actions. No single agency or group
can do everything, but we can all contribute in some way !
(See Brochure 1 : Basics to Get Started)
Public Education and Peer Education
To reject myths and misconceptions, and fight unnecessary HIV/AIDS related discrimination.
To empower young people, to promote their rights and to inform them about how HIV can and cannot be
transmitted, and how they can protect themselves.
To discuss more openly sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as injecting drug use.
To draw the attention of people in general and those in positions of authority in particular to accept the reality of
HIV in our communities, and to recognise the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS.
(See brochure 2 : Education and Communication)
To challenge and change laws, attitudes and practices that are contrary to human rights and to effective action
against HIV/AIDS.
To campaign for better services for people living with HIV/AIDS, including access to medicine, counselling and
other support(s) needed to defend the right to life and to health care.
To support court action or other initiatives by people living with HIV/AIDS to demand their rights.
To involve more and more people living with HIV/AIDS in campaigns and education activities.
(See brochure 3 : Advocacy)
Care and Support
To support and encourage people living with HIV/AIDS to participate in life in the community and to comfort those
who are sick and may die through counselling, home visiting or other programmes.
To inform people living with HIV/AIDS about their rights and about treatments.
To give services and support to people who may be at risk, including women, children and young people, men who
have sex with men, injecting drug users and commercial sex workers.
To create spaces where people living with HIV/AIDS can meet, share concerns and information, and take joint action.

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