Friday, September 2, 2011

Average HIV Window Period

Average HIV Window Period

To detect HIV, there are different tests in the market but all are considered reliable only after the window period is over, which is a certain amount of time after the exposure to HIV virus. One of the most important HIV facts is, health organizations have classified it as a manageable condition which means it can be kept under control with medication such as Aids vaccines, diet and nutrition only if detected early.

The three popular anti-body tests ELISA, Western Blot and Rapid Tests like Orasure are considered reliable only after the window period. These reliable tests detect measurable antibodies to HIV seroconversion and the time taken for this is around 3-6 months. Seroconversion is maturation of antibodies to microorganisms as a result of infection which in this case is HIV infection.

A HIV window period is the duration between the perceived time of infection and the time required for the body to produce detectable quantities of antibodies for a HIV test. To understand the average HIV window period, it is important to understand how the infection occurs. For those who want to know how is HIV transmitted, should keep in mind that HIV infection can occur because of unsafe sex with infected person, sharing needles, mother to child, infected blood transfusion.

For example, if you have had unsafe sex on January 1st, and you want to get yourself tested for HIV it is advisable to do the test in the first week of April. For the test to give accurate results you shouldn't be involved in any risky behavior from January 1st till the time of your test in the first week of April. If you have had unsafe sex on January 1st and then again on February 28th then your window period of 12 weeks starts from February 28th and it is advisable to get tested in the first week of June for accurate results.

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