HIV Window Period Effects on Testing
Adhering to the HIV window period rules is important in getting accurate results on your tests. One of the biggest misconception is that, if you indulge in a risky behavior today it is better if you get tested tomorrow to check your status. It is a myth that if you come to know that you are HIV positive in the first week of getting infected you can be cured. As of now there are no medications to cure the infection, medications available in the market can only manage the infection.
What happens if you get tested during the window period? Here is an example for better understanding, let us say on December 1st, Jenny has unsafe sex with Joe who is infected with HIV. Jenny then goes in for a HIV test on December 10, the results of the test will be negative in spite of Jenny being infected with HIV. This happens because the body does not start producing detectable anti bodies till 12 weeks.
It is crucial to adhere to the HIV window period rules, if you are thinking about going in for a HIV test. Also remember there are no clear HIV symptoms in the first few months so getting tested after the window period is the only option. Most testing centers will offer the HIV test for free, you can check on the Internet for a center near you and get yourself tested.
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