Saturday, September 3, 2011

How is HIV Transmitted Between Men

How is HIV Transmitted Between Men

How is HIV transmitted between men is a question that is asked by many homosexuals. HIV infection is transmitted between men due to males who have sex with men (MSM). This is because they tend to indulge in anal sex, that may help in the transfer of the virus. The anal skin is delicate, that may break or get injured leading to bleeding. They choose not to use condoms, that increases the risk of infection. Another reason for transmission of HIV between men is use of drugs and alcohol. These men are not in their senses due to the drug or alcohol effect and tend to reuse the needles for drugs. This further increases their chances of getting infections. Most men tend to smoke that causes presence of gum diseases or ulcers in their mouth. These homosexuals also indulge in oral sex, that further increases their chances of getting an infection.

Wondering what are the symptoms of HIV infection in case the disease progresses to advanced stages? Read all about it in: How is HIV Not Transmitted

There are several myths regarding transmission of HIV. People believe just by mere handshake with a HIV positive individual, will transmit the disease. A few people think sitting next to a HIV person may transmit the virus by coughing and sneezing. However, this is not possible as the virus can stay alive only within body fluids. HIV is not transmitted through the following ways:
  • Blood donation
  • Using public toilets
  • Hugging
  • Sharing utensils for eating
  • Living in the same house, office, or even sharing seats in the public transports
  • Mosquito bites
  • Eating food or drinks cooked or handled by a person with HIV/AIDS
  • Kissing
  • Sharing the same swimming pool, sauna, etc.
  • Cough or sneezes
These were the ways that helps you understand how is HIV transmitted. The HIV infection is transmitted only through vaginal secretions, semen, pre-ejaculation fluid, breast milk and infected blood. It is NOT always through sexual activity one may be infected with HIV. It CAN be transmitted through use of infected needles during a visit to the hospital or transfer of infected blood. Try and know more about HIV/AIDS. This will help you understand the problems faced by a HIV positive person. Do not shun or banish those infected with HIV. Understanding how is HIV transmitted will help reduce the number of infections. Stay safe, stay HIV free.

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