Saturday, September 3, 2011

Transmission through Tattoo ArtA

Transmission through Tattoo Art
Teenagers are extremely fond of getting a tattoo or piercing. But, most of these tattoo and piercing joints they visit do not sterilize their equipments. If a prior customer had bled during a procedure and the same needle is used on another customer, it may lead to transmission of HIV.

How is HIV Transmitted from Mother to Child

Many women have a question how is HIV transmitted from mother to child. The answer is HIV is transmitted by an infected pregnant mother to her unborn child. The virus can pass through the mother's system into the baby's during pregnancy or at the time of birth. It can also pass through breast feeding and a healthy child can get infected with HIV. It has been found that over one third of untreated HIV positive pregnant mothers pass on the virus to their child. Thus, it is extremely important to take anti-HIV medication AZT or zidovudine to prevent passing on the infection. A HIV mother should go in for a cesarean section to deliver her baby. This will help reduce the transmission of infection when giving birth.

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