Saturday, September 3, 2011

How is HIV TransmittedUnprotected Sex

How is HIV TransmittedUnprotected Sex
The most common mode of transmission of HIV is through unprotected sex with an infected partner. Transfer of body fluids and blood during sex may lead to HIV infection. During vaginal sex, the fluids that are discharged from the penis before and after sex contain the virus. In case of women, the fluids from the vagina before and during sex contain HIV. During sex, the fluid from an infected man can pass into the woman's blood stream through the tiniest of cuts or open sores on the body. When an infected woman has sex with a healthy partner, she can pass the virus through a small sore or cut on his penis. HIV can also enter the tube running down the penis, thus infecting the man.

Many people often wonder if oral sex can lead to transmission of HIV. The infected fluid from the genitals can enter the mouth. Any open sore, cut, ulcers or bleeding gums within the mouth can help the virus gain entry into a healthy body. Anal intercourse carries greater risk of transmission of HIV as compared to vaginal sex. The delicate lining of the anus can rupture during intercourse. This may lead to bleeding and increase the chances of transmission of the virus. You can learn about the HIV symptoms and the different stages of HIV in:

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