Sharing Needles
HIV is transmitted by using unsterilized needles and syringes. This type of transmission is very common in drug addicts. They tend to pass on the same syringe among them while taking drugs. The needle may contain some amount of blood and the virus on it. Whenever one visits a doctor or hospital, make sure the needle used to draw blood samples, give intravenous drugs, intramuscular injections, etc. are sterile. It is the duty of the medical care giver to destroy the syringe and needle after use. Other ways of transmission include sharing spoons, filters and water. Also, during a surgery or any invasive procedure only sterile equipments should be used to avoid HIV transmission.
Blood Transfusion
Blood transfusions carried out during an emergency procedure or an operation leads to HIV infections. Therefore, it has become mandatory in many countries to test each and every blood sample for transfusion in a blood bank.
Healthcare Infection
Many healthcare workers like doctors, nurses, lab technicians, medical social workers, etc. are at a risk of contracting HIV infection. These members of the medical industry come in contact with numerous HIV patients. They may accidentally get a needle prick from the injection that was used for a HIV patient. Or they might get exposed to infected blood that may enter their body through cuts and wounds.
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