HIV and Health
HIV and Health these both terms are related to each other. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus that causes for AIDS. HIV exists in the CD4 cells and hides itself there. The immune system of a person is made up of CD4 cells. The chief function of these cells is to protect the body from different infections and diseases. CD4 cells are known to be soldier cells as they protect the body from these invaders. However, HIV gradually starts to weaken these cells. The cells can not recognize the existence of the virus as well as the virus replicates itself, it starts to produce the copies if itself. The progress of the virus takes several years. The period can be extended or shortened. It depends on the infected person. Generally, it takes ten years to be developed.
The process of the development of the AIDS can be broken into four stages that are known as stages of the HIV infection. Every stage develops its symptoms and these symptoms can be seen in the infected person. However, one of the stages does not show any symptoms therefore it is called as asymptomatic that means without any symptoms. Nevertheless, it does not mean that a person has not been infected. Moreover, HIV allows opportunistic infections to attack on the immune system. Opportunistic infections are those infections that take the benefit of the weakened immune system. It is essential for the infected person to know about the HIV infection stage as it helps him/her to take necessary steps against the infection. For example if a person knows about that in what stages he/she is, they can discuss with the physician about the consequences of the infection. Moreover, a physician can design the treatment plan to limit the infection. Once the HIV takes hold of immune system completely, a person develops AIDS. AIDS is the final stage of the HIV infection. It does not mean that HIV infected person can not live a healthy life. A person can live it, but he/she has to follow certain treatment plans as well as focus on his/her diet.
Why CD4 cells existence is important fighting with AIDS?
A doctor checks the CD4 cells' count when you visit him/her for the treatment for HIV. He/she has to check your immune system strength. He/she does it by checking your CD4 count in the blood. He/she measures the cells that are working properly. If you want your immune system strong and healthy it is essential that you should have the higher count of these cells in the blood. If your count is below 200 CD4 it means that you have developed the AIDS.
Why is good nutrition important in HIV?
A healthy diet provides you the nutrition that helps to keep your immune system strong. A strong immune system fights with the diseases and infections and keep your body healthy and strong. It improves the quality of life. There are some common symptoms that are found in HIV infected persons like weight loss, wasting and malnutrition etc. the balanced diet supports the medications that you are taking for controlling the infection. It helps to maintain the effectiveness of such medication. Diet may assist with symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue, and metabolic abnormalities and with fat redistribution such as high blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
The diet plays the vital role for improving the immune system. Balanced diet helps you to improve your health condition. So it is essential for HIV infected person to focus on his/her routine diet and exercise. If he/she maintains a diet it may help to them for improving the strength of immune system. So the immune system can resist the infection in effective way.
HIV and Health are related terms. HIV infected person should maintain his/her health by following the given tips that would lead him/her for healthy life.
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