Sunday, December 25, 2011

What's the Difference HIV and AIDS

What's the Difference HIV and AIDS

There is a certain difference between HIV and AIDS. These both concepts are co-related to each other. Lets us elaborate these concepts. HIV stands for Human deficiency Virus. HIV causes for developing the AIDS. The immune system is made up of CD4 cells. These CD4 cells protect the body from various infections and disease. They destroy such infections and diseases that can cause damage to immune system itself. CD4 cells are known as soldier cells. HIV hides in these cells and reproduces itself for damaging the immune system. However, initially it develops gradually and becomes invisible so CD4 cells can not destroy them completely. At the end because of the replication of HIV, it overcomes the CD4 cells. It destroys them badly. It takes hold of immune system. As a result of this a person becomes the victim of AIDS. Read more and get it cleared about what's the difference HIV and AIDS.

Difference between HIV and AIDS

What is AIDS

AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency syndrome. It is developed because of HIV. When you get infected with HIV, your body tries to resist the infection. It creates antibodies, special molecules to fight with HIV. When a blood test is performed on a person it looks for these antibodies. If these antibodies exists in a person's blood it means that he/she has been infected with HIV. The term HIV positive is used for those who have such antibodies in their blood. If a person has been infected with HIV, it does not mean that he/she has AIDS. However, as the symptoms of HIV develop year by year, they cause for AIDS. Many of HIV infected or HIV positive people have fewer symptoms or they may be symptoms free year by year. Nevertheless, the virus develops itself in the body and damages the immune system. Viruses like fungi, parasites and bacteria that generally do not cause any problems can attack on weakened immune system. They make a person sick. These are nothing but the opportunistic infections.

How a person can get infected with HIV that causes to develop AIDS

AIDS is a final stage of the HIV that develops AIDS. A person may get infected with HIV and then may develop AIDS. There are various ways of getting infected by HIV. It can be spread out through unprotected sex, using syringes or needles that are used by infected person, breastfeeding, etc.

The early symptoms of HIV include

  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fever

There are some common symptoms of HIV

The symptoms may appear after eight to ten years

  • Genital sores and Rash of flaky skin
  • Frequent fevers and Night sweats
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive fatigue and Weight loss
  • Mental symptoms like confusion

An aid is the most progressed stage of HIV infection. Aids infected people are those who have less than 200 CD4 cells per micro liter of blood. There are twenty six conditions of defining the AIDS. These conditions probably include the developed symptoms of HIV. In advanced stage of HIV almost every organ system gets affected by the disease.

The provided information would help you to understand the difference between HIV and AIDS.

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