Sunday, September 18, 2011

How early detection of HIV-infected

How early detection of HIV-infected

To this end, the author of more than a decade of AIDS research findings, to cite some examples, using simple terms and pass a language familiar and understandable to explain how they can be promptly found to be infected with HIV, infection and later should choose those test items to determine the stage of disease , and then what treatment measures must be taken to seek early treatment and prolong life.

There are acute phase of HIV infection do?

Some people with HIV through sexual intercourse or injecting drug needles virus and so on, there have been manifestations of acute HIV infection (known as the primary HIV-infection). This acute infection after exposure to the virus usually occurs in about one week to ten days, clinical symptoms are generally mild and transient, like a cold or mononucleosis disease infection, including fever, sore throat, fatigue, night sweats and swollen lymph nodes large, the skin rash is very common symptoms, after symptomatic treatment or even without treatment, 23 weeks later you can return to normal. During this period, the virus in the body of the rise and fall with the body's response to the virus is very significant, through appropriate inspection is fully capable of a clear diagnosis.

For example, two

(1) 25-year-old homosexual male, because of fever, headache, sore throat a week, skin rash two days and for medical treatment, he was not evil, heinous history of other chronic diseases, multiple sexual partners, more frequent sex life prior to the onset, it is not clear with AIDS drug history of exposure to infected persons, face and upper body found that the size of 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, erythema-like papules, mild neck lymph nodes, tonsil fossa inflammation. Blood tests showed normal blood cells, blood biochemistry and liver function tests normal, negative for virus detection in serum anti-HIV antibodies and are not tested. T-helper cell lymphocytes (CD4) normal, the only finding is that HIV antigen-positive serum. Two weeks after onset of rash faded, the patient consciously comfortable than before, anti-HIV antibodies became positive, but a month later phase of HIV antigen levels can not be measured and reduced to.

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