Wednesday, December 7, 2011

People who are infected with HIV/AIDS

Stay Under a Physician's Care

There is no cure for AIDS. People who are infected with HIV/AIDS require lifelong care and treatment. It is essential that patients who are taking antiretrovirals remain under the care of a doctor or other health care provider who specializes in the care of people who have HIV/AIDS.

Communication between the patient and doctor about any problems, concerns, or changes, can help improve the complicated decision-making process that antiretroviral therapy requires. It is especially important to communicate the following information:

  • Discuss any side effects with the doctor, as some side effects can be serious and even life-threatening.
  • Be honest about all drug use, both legal and illegal, as drugs often interact with each other in harmful ways.

Take all medications on time, in the proper doses, and with or without food or liquid as required. By taking all medications as instructed, patients can help prevent the virus from replicating, slow down the process of resistance, and keep the drugs working for longer periods of time.

If patients do not take medications as instructed, there is a greater risk for HIV to develop resistance, leading to more rapid disease progression and decreasing the effectiveness of the drugs.

Adhere to Dosing Schedules

First of all, it is important for patients to know as much as possible about a certain combination of drugs before agreeing to take it. In addition, the patient should be sure that the required schedule is one that he or she can stick to.

Once beginning a drug regimen, patients should set up reminders to be sure to take the drugs on schedule. Some patients keep their medicines in a certain place, such on top of the coffee maker or next to their toothbrush. Others use an alarm clock or a beeper. Ask a physician, other health care workers, and other people who have HIV/AIDS for additional suggestions. It is important to take medications as directed 100% of the time.

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