Research Planning
Under the Federal Initiative, CIHR is responsible for identifying Priorities for Extramural HIV/AIDS Research. These priorities were developed by the CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Advisory Committee in consultation with other stakeholders, and will be used to guide the development of CIHR's strategic research funding opportunities in HIV/AIDS. CIHR is also working with the Public Health Agency of Canada to develop a comprehensive national research plan that includes all domains of research. This national HIV/AIDS Research Plan will bring together many funders of HIV/AIDS research in Canada, research programs conducted in federal, provincial and territorial laboratories, users of research knowledge, and other stakeholders in developing a shared vision for the future of HIV/AIDS research in Canada.
New programs are also being developed to enhance research on new prevention technologies, such as vaccines and microbicides, and increased attention will be focussed on research that provides evidence for population‑specific approaches.
For example, Towards a World Without AIDS: The Canadian HIV Vaccines Plan was published in July 2006. Developed by a multi-sectoral steering committee, the document outlined a vision for Canada’s future involvement in the global effort to develop HIV vaccines and deliver them to all people who need them. Building upon Towards a World Without AIDS and on Canada’s ongoing commitment to a comprehensive and long-term approach in the global fight against HIV/AIDS, the Government of Canada announced the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative
in February 2007.
The Public Health Agency of Canada has also been collaborating with government, community, private sector and international partners to support action on microbicide development over the past several years. A series of symposia were jointly sponsored in 2003, 2005 and 2006 and have resulted in the creation of a multi-sectoral action plan to articulate the domestic and global contributions Canada can provide in the development and delivery of microbicides. The action plan includes recommendations on policy and regulatory issues, cross-departmental and cross-sector mechanisms for collaboration, and steps to strengthen commitment to accelerate microbicides development and delivery. This plan is nearing completion and will be released in 2006.
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