Saturday, October 29, 2011

Among young people

Among young people
Condom use among young people is especially important because the young are often
at greatest risk for HIV infection and have the least access to condoms. Moreover,
young people are establishing patterns of sexual behaviour that may last a lifetime. One
indicator often used to examine condom use among the youngest sexually active persons
is to ask whether a condom was used during their first ever sexual encounter. Rates as
high as 77% are reported in France and 68% in England. But developing countries such
as Brazil (48%) and Mexico (43%) also have a high proportion of young people who say
they used a condom the first time they had sex39.
Demographic and health surveys (DHS) show that young age is a strong predictor of
condom use, except apparently among young MSM, for whom condom use may be
lower in some settings. DHS data from 27 countries in Africa and Latin America showed
higher rates of condom use at last high risk sex for 15–24 year olds compared to 25–29
year olds in every country40. High risk sex was defined as sex with a non-marital, noncohabiting
partner. Figure 1 shows the results from selected African countries in studies
conducted between 1994 to 2001 among 15–24 year old young men and women.

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