Acute HIV Symptoms
Acute HIV infection is the early stage of HIV infection. This article dwells on the acute HIV symptoms and some important facts about this stage of HIV infection. 
Acute HIV infection, also known as acute 'seroconversion syndrome' is the first stage of HIV infection. In this stage, HIV or human immunodeficiency virus replicates rapidly. The acute or primary HIV infection usually occurs about 2 to 4 weeks following the exposure to the virus. A large number of individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus develop some flu like symptoms during the primary HIV infection stage. Such acute HIV symptoms in women and men usually disappear within a few weeks. But, for many people, there may not be any signs and symptoms of primary HIV infection. After the initial infection, no symptom or illness can be observed in the affected individual for many years. This stage is known as asymptomatic HIV infection. But occasionally, acute HIV infection can gradually progress to early symptomatic HIV infection and then to
AIDS or advanced HIV infection.
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