Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How is HIV Transmitted

How is HIV Transmitted

HIV can be transmitted in body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. Having sexual intercourse with an HIV infected person can get a person HIV positive. The virus passes into the other person via the semen or vaginal fluid. Moreover, the virus can also be transmitted through infected syringes, blood transfusions or by infected blood splashing onto a person's open wounds or sores. If infected blood falls on the skin, the virus cannot enter the body, because of the skin that acts as a barrier. However, any wound or cut is vulnerable ground. If infected blood falls on a wound, it will directly pass into the bloodstream and infect the body. Read more on HIV facts - facts about AIDS.

How is HIV not Transmitted

You will not get HIV from mosquito bites (or else we all would have been infected by now!), hugging or holding the hands of a person wilh HIV, swimming in the same pool with an HIV positive person or playing indoor or outdoor games with an HIV positive person. HIV is also not transmitted through contact with saliva, tears or sweat. Thus, if an HIV positive person coughs or sneezes around you, do not panic. Moreover, drinking from the same glass or using the same toilet that an HIV infected person has used will also not infect you. Coming in casual contact with HIV infected people at work, school, social gatherings, etc. will not cause you any harm.

Crucial Precautions Against HIV

Below are some basic precautions to prevent the spread of HIV.

Avoid Mouth to Mouth Kissing
Although HIV is not transmitted through saliva, kissing an HIV positive person is not safe. This is simply because coming in contact with even small amount of blood can get you infected. A drop of blood can be present in the mouth if the person has just flossed, eaten extremely hot or sharp foods or if the person has a gum disease. The person may be unaware of that blood drop in his or her mouth, but it's enough to get you infected. Thus, mouth to mouth kissing is dangerous.

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