Is HIV Rash Itchy
Is HIV rash itchy? Is that what you are looking for all this time? Well, you have asked the question and I am here with the answer. Scroll down... 
Before I give you the answer for 'Is HIV rash itchy?', let's quickly go through this. HIV is the short for (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). It is the virus that is responsible for causing the world's most deadliest and incurable disease AIDS. This virus lays attack on the immune system of the body and makes it weak to such an extent that it loses the ability to fight with the smallest of pathogens. A person who has been infected by this virus can even die due to a simple common cold as his immune system ceases to function completely. An HIV infection may take several years before it transforms into AIDS. Basically, the virus destroys the CD4 cells which are a type of while blood cells, playing a vital role in the body to fight against disease. So, over time, the HIV keeps on destroying these cells and when the count comes down to below 200, it is then when a person is said to be diagnosed with AIDS.
The HIV rash is one of the symptoms which occur around three weeks after the virus has infected a person. Apart from the rash other symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. Later
HIV symptoms infection may show up in the form of diarrhea, weight loss, fever, cough, breathing difficulty and swollen lymph nodes. Before I forget, the following section gives you the answer to the question 'Is HIV rash itchy?'.
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