HIV Symptoms
One of the most dangerous and life threatening diseases that has no cure as yet is HIV/AIDS. Read on for more information on HIV symptoms and AIDS.The HIV symptoms can affect an individual in phases. There are three phases of infection, namely, the initial or early phase of infection, the later phase and the latest phase of infection. Once the virus enters the body, it begins to develop at a fast pace. Though initially the presence of this virus is not so evident, it can be passed on to others. The virus dwells in the lymph nodes where it duplicates and multiplies. The virus attacks the CD4 lymphocytes (or T cells) and completely destroys the white blood cells hence affecting the immunity of the body. Every phase of infection shows different symptoms and sometimes these symptoms can be mistaken as just a common cold or flu like symptoms. The HIV symptoms in men are similar to the HIV symptoms in women. Let's see more about the different phases of HIV symptoms.
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