Thursday, February 24, 2011



The definition of aids is a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles. The United States has been hit, and has been a huge victim, of the HIV/Aids virus. But more importantly our whole world has been hit. Although in the United States there has been many dead victims, our numbers don’t even come close to the areas such as south Africa, and the Sub- Sahara region of Africa. This is the case because they live in poverty, and in dirty areas. The final reason is because of the many people living there and of the pregnancies taking place. Many years ago when Aid was first hitting the service, the people mainly affected by Aids were the white homosexual males. This is no longer the case. Now many the people in the United States most affected are the black and Hispanic, people. This is partially to do with poverty, and because of their upbringing. In 2002 studies say Adult HIV/AIDS prevalence worldwide is now put at 1.2

They would want to go to a doctor"tms office, to get tested. Aids is a virus that will never stop until there is a physical pill, or treatment that can help people. If a person is nocuous, they might want to get tested or if they felt they did something, that could have given them aids. These days there are many people and there are many teenagers that are having unprotected sex. There are many excuses for why this might be the case, maybe because of education, or maybe not caring about the consequence. In numbers about 4 to 1, not great odds but better than no odds at all. In the future the virus should only get worst, In theory it should eventually take over the entire race, if the world doesn"tmt come together and share everyone"tms knowledge. Although I do not believe in what the future will bring to us, for cures. Aids/HIV was not a treat to the people of 50 years ago because how they acted and there manner. But the people of our times should not count on it, but to learn, and to know not to have unpredicted sex. We need to not only share and help the people of the United States, but to travel and to discuss what a harmful virus to other people in other countries. This is the case because how our country/world is as a whole. When you take many pills or a medicine cocktail, it might ease the pain but give many more hangs up to go all with the pills.

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