Thursday, June 9, 2011

How is HIV/AIDS transmitted? Does HIV/AIDS only affect certain types of people?

  1. How is HIV/AIDS transmitted? Does HIV/AIDS only affect certain types of people?

    HIV/AIDS can infect anyone regardless of age, race or sexual preference.

    Transmission People can contract HIV in multiple ways.
    • Unprotected sex with an infected person

    • Sharing a needle with someone who uses intravenous drugs

    • Transmission from a mother to her unborn fetus

    However, you cannot get HIV through daily social contact such as:
    • Hugging

    • Shaking hands

    • Sharing a swimming pool or toilet

    • Coughing sneezing, tears or insect bites

  2. Where does HIV/AIDS exist in the world?

    HIV is one of the biggest social, economic and health challenges facing the world today. People are affected everywhere by this global pandemic.

    Sub-Saharan Africa 25.8 million people living with HIV
    Asia 8.3 million people living with HIV
    North America, Western and Central Europe 1.9 million people living with HIV
    Eastern Europe and Central Asia 1.6 million people living with HIV
    Middle East and North Africa 510,000 people living with HIV
    Caribbean 300,000 people living with HIV
    Oceania 74,000 people living with HIV
    Latin America 1.8 million people living with HIV

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