Friday, June 22, 2012

treatment reduces the level of virus in the body, it means HIV-

In addition to saving lives, earlier treatment also has prevention benefits,” Dr Hirnschall says. “Because treatment reduces the level of virus in the body, it means HIV-positive people are less likely to pass the virus on to their partners."

WHO's treatment guidelines expand the number of people recommended for HIV treatment from an estimated 10 million to an estimated 15 million. The cost needed for HIV treatment in 2010 will be about US$ 9 billion, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

"The investments we make today can not only save millions of lives but millions of dollars tomorrow,” said Dr Bernhard Schwartlander, Director, Evidence, Strategy and Results, UNAIDS. "People with weaker immune systems who come late for treatment require more complex and costly drugs and services than those who start treatment earlier and are healthier."

Since 2003 - which marked the launch of the historic “3 by 5” initiative to provide access to HIV treatment to 3 million people living in low- and middle-income countries by the end of 2005 - the number of people receiving HIV treatment has increased 12-fold.

At AIDS 2010, WHO is releasing the 2010 guidelines on Antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection in adults and adolescents – public health approach.

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